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Permeation tubes
Calibration gas generators
Permeation devices provide a stable concentration of a specific trace chemical, including
those with low vapor pressures.
Dynacal® permeation tubes
Ideal for lab environments
Smaller than G-Cal devices
More accurate than G-Cal devices
Require a temperature-controlled
Inexpensive calibration solution
Dynacal permeation devices are small,
inert capsules containing a pure chemical
compound in a two phase equilibrium
between its gas phase and its liquid or
solid phase. At a constant temperature,
the device emits the compound through
its permeable portion at a constant rate.
Product information
G-Cal permeation devices
Excellent for use in the field
Can be operated at room temperature
Can handle arsine and phosphine
Longer life than Dynacal devices
Patented G-Cal
permeation tubes offer a
proven and repeatable
means of generating
desired gas or vapor
concentrations. The
permeant gas escapes
through the proprietary
membrane system and mixes with a
carrier gas (nitrogen is the most common)
at a controlled flow rate to obtain a known
mixture in ppm or ppb.
Product information
Permeation Tubes and Devices
from VICI Metronics
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