restek-tnx14 - page 6

Monitoring Volatile Compounds in Food Contact Packaging, Using Purge and Trap GC/MS and an Rtx
Capillary Column
(lit. cat.# 59348)
An optimized procedure formonitoring common volatiles released by food contact packaging
All food packagingmaterials have a potential for generating volatile compoundswhen heated. These volatiles
become a concern if theymigrate into the food product in the package. This 4-page note summarizes one approach
to testing food contact materials and describes an effective sampling - chromatography - detection system.
Acrylamide Analysis by Gas Chromatography
(lit. cat.# 59485)
GC is a simple, low-cost, efficient way of detecting acrylamide in prepared foods
A proposed LC/MS/MSmethod for analyses of acrylamide in foods requires reversed phase HPLC in a highly aque-
ousmobile phase, a positive ion electrosprayMS interface, and quantification based on comparison to a
internal standard. The GC alternative described in this 2-page note is rapid and cost-effective. Detection limits can
approach 0.01µg/mL solution; for greater sensitivity, extracted acrylamide can be brominated, then quantified using
an electron capture detector.
Improved Analysis of Organophosphorus Pesticides, Using Rtx
-OPPesticides and Rtx
-OPPesticides2 Columns
(lit. cat.# 59359)
Fast analyseswith notably few coelutions
To ensure sensitivity for low ppb levels of target compounds, dual-columnGC analyseswith ion-specific detectors
(e.g., NPD / FPD) are used in analyses of organophosphorus pesticides. AnRtx
-OPPesticides / Rtx
column pairminimizes the number of analyte coelutions and separatesmore than 50OPPs in less than 25minutes.
This 4-page note describes conditions for both dual column / ion-specific detection andGC/MS analyses.
AGuide to Preparing and Analyzing Chlorinated Pesticides
(lit. cat.# 59892)
Invaluable information that can simplify a challenging analysis
Analyses of chlorinated pesticides can be difficult because samples often are contaminatedwith non-target com-
pounds (e.g., lipids), and themethod can require rigorous quality control. Our 24-page guide covers sample extrac-
tionmethodology, sample cleanup, and chromatography. A chromatographic analysis of widely used chlorinated
herbicides also is illustrated. One of ourmost popular technical guides.
SPE Cleanup ofMethod 8081AChlorinated Pesticides
(lit. cat.# 59110)
Conserve solvent, ensure cleaner extracts and high recovery of target pesticides
A good companion publication to chlorinated pesticides guide 59892, this 2-page note describes the benefits of
using graphitized carbon-based CarboPrep
SPE tubes and presents an example extraction andGC analysis.
Reduced solvent consumption during the extraction process, cleaner extracts, and excellent recovery rates for tar-
get pesticidesmake CarboPrep
SPE tubes an excellent choice for this application.
SPE Cleanup ofMethod 8141AOrganophosphorus Pesticides and Herbicides
(lit. cat.# 59142)
Reduced solvent consumption, cleaner extracts, high recovery of target compounds
The same characteristics that make graphitized carbon-based CarboPrep
SPE tubes an excellent choice for extract-
ing chlorinated pesticidesmake them a better option thanGPC or Florisil
SPE in analyses of organophosphorus
pesticides and herbicides. The 2-page note describes the extraction procedure andGC analysis, and summarizes
recovery data formore than 40 commonOPPs.
(lit. cat.# 59362)
This 4-page Fast Facts includes a balanced
selection of replacement items and products
that are optional, but which canmake life in
your laboratory easier.
Direct Guard Column System
(lit. cat.# 59314)
The ultimate combination of convenience and
column protection
The Trident
Direct system gives you three
options for column protection: protection
from particles, protection from particles and
sample impurities, and protection from parti-
cles and heavy contamination. Cut costs by
matching the level of column protection to
your particular need. This 2-page Fast Facts
summarizes the features and benefits of the
system and answers commonly
asked questions.
GCWall Chart
(lit. cat.# 59668A)
Important information that saves time; could save a capillary column.
HPLCColumn Selection Guide
(lit. cat.# 59454)
Keep this useful chart with your workbooks, or post it on awall
Quickly scan important characteristics of Restek HPLC columns.
Includes brief, practical guidelines for choosing stationary phase,
particle size, pore diameter, and column dimensions.
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