restek-tnx14 - page 4

Flavors and Fragrances
Analyzing the Heat Level of Spicy Foods, Using an Ultra C18 HPLCColumn
(lit. cat.# 59199)
Add zest to spicy foods—but keep their analysis bland
As society's taste for spicy foods grows, so does the need to test and classify rawmaterials and final
products for pungency. This 2-page note describes anHPLC column and analytical conditions formoni-
toring capsaicin and related compounds -major contributors to "heat" levels in chili pepper-containing
foods. Samples require onlyminimal preparation, and results can be converted to traditional organolep-
tic Scoville heat units (SHU).
Analysis of Vanillin and Ethyl Vanillin in Vanilla Flavors, Using Ultra C8 Column
(lit. cat.# 59186)
A fast, efficient, and sensitive HPLC analysis for primary flavor components
AOACMethod 990.25 describes anHPLC analysis of flavor compounds in vanilla extract and artificial
vanilla flavors. The analysis takes approximately 40minutes, and the ethyl vanillin peak is significantly
broadened. AnUltra C8 column and conditions presented in our 2-page note ensure amore efficient
analysis, while reducing the run time by 15minutes.
GCAnalysis of Chiral Flavor Compounds in Apple Juices, Using the
and Rt-ßDEXse
(lit. cat.# 59546)
Detect adulteration by examining enantiomer ratios of chiral molecules
Many flavor constituents are chiral compounds. In nature one enantiomer usually is prevalent, but when
synthetically prepared the same compound is an equal (racemic)mixture. Consequently, gas chromato-
graphic resolution and quantification of the enantiomers is a sensitive and reliable approach to detecting
synthetic adulterants. The 4-page note describes this principle, using example chromatographic separa-
AGuide to the Analysis of Chiral Compounds by GC
(lit. cat.# 59889)
Resolve critical enantiomer pairs quickly and reliably
In flavor and fragrance analyses, enantiomers oftenmust be resolved for separate quantification. Five
cyclodextrin-basedRestek chiral capillary GC columns offer a unique range of selectivities, to enable
you to accomplish these often-difficult separations. Many example chromatograms in this 24-page
guidewill help you find the best column - or columns - for your particular need.
Analyzing Alcoholic Beverages by Gas Chromatography
(lit. cat.# 59462)
Selectivity, sensitivity, andminimal sample preparationmake GC a powerful tool formonitoring alco-
holic beverage composition
Volatile component profiles of alcoholic beverages reveal awide range of compounds: acids, alcohols,
aldehydes, and others. This 16-page guide describes packed columnGC and capillary GC approaches to
monitoring these complexmixtures of analytes. A separate section is devoted to detailed information
about quantifying trace sulfur compounds in beer.
Visit us online at
to searchRestek’s entire on-line
chromatogram archive of bothGC
andHPLC applications!
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