GCInjectorLiners - page 12

Liner-to-Liner Reproducibility: A Measure of Consistent Quality
It’s not good enough to have one quality liner. You have to be confident that every liner will give the same level of perform-
ance. We test Sky™ liners extensively to ensure that each one is exceptionally inert and will provide optimal results. Using
endrin breakdown as a measure of reproducibility, the data in Figure 4, based on multiple lots, illustrate that Sky™ liners are
more consistently inert than competitor products.
New Sky™ liners provide exceptional inertness across a wide range of active analytes. The consistent, comprehensive deactiva-
tion process results in the accuracy and precision you need for reliable trace level analyses. Simplify liner selection with Sky™
liners from Restek—
choose blue, the best choice for dependable results.
Figure 4
Sky™ inlet liners from Restek consistently show less endrin breakdown than comparable liners from
other sources.
Liner by Vendor
% Endrin Breakdown
Restek Sky liners
SGE liners
Agilent liners
Error bars represent 3 standard deviations.
New Sky™ inlet liners are easily recognizable for your reordering
convenience. All Sky™ liners come in specially marked boxes and
are packaged in ultra-clean blister packs.
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