Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 206

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forproduct features.
IncreaseSampleThroughput forEnvironmentalVOCs
Fast sample throughput is a primary concern for
environmental labs interested in improving
productivity.Volatilesmethods typically are time-
consuming, but developing optimized procedures
can be challenging because compound lists are
extensive and analytes vary significantly in
chemical characteristics. The selectivity and
inertness of Rxi®-624Sil MS columns make them
ideal for optimizing environmental volatiles
methods for better resolution and faster analysis
Establishing conditions that maximize sample
throughput can be difficult, because conditions
optimized for speed can result in problematic
coelutions, while conditions optimized for
resolution can result in long analysis times. The
exceptional inertness of Rxi®-624Sil MS columns
produces highly symmetric peaks for active
compounds, as shown inFigure6,which improves
resolution and allows separations to be
maintained even under faster conditions. Here, an optimized method was developed using an
Rxi®-624Sil MS column to maintain adequate resolution, while throughput was maximized by
synchronizingpurge and trap cycleswith instrument cycles.
ImproveProductivityandResolveCritical Pairs
Initially, several critical pairs were chosen for computational modeling using Pro
GC software. The
temperature program first determinedby the software provided the best resolution, but also resulted in
an analysis time of 19minutes. Since the purge and trap cycle timewas 16.5minutes, other conditions
were evaluated to see if adequate resolution could be maintained using a faster instrument cycle. The
final program, shown inFigure7, reduced instrument downtimebybetter synchronizingpurgeand trap
cycles with instrument cycles, and also provided excellent resolution. Using these conditions, up to 36
samples canbe analyzed followingEPAMethod 8260 in a typical 12-hour shift.
Labs interested in optimizing both sample throughput and resolution of VOCs can adopt the
synchronized conditions established here on Rxi®-624Sil MS columns to maximize productivity and
assure accurate, reliable results.
For the complete application, visit
Exceptionally inert Rxi®-624SilMS
columnsproducehighly symmetricpeaks
for active compounds, simplifying
quantificationand improvingaccuracy.
Higher sensitivity
Correct retention
For complete conditions visitwww.restek.comandenter chromatogram
GC_EV1175 in thesearch function.
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