DET2012 - page 31

Improved Performance - - Extended Detection Modes
THERMIONIC IONIZATION SOURCES (BEADS) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• $385. each
Durable cylindrical ceramic structure with a heater wire core, and mounted on a hexagonal shaped
flange. Pre-tested for response. Interchangeable in Agilent 6890/7890 NPD assemblies, and in all DET
detector assemblies. (Ion Sources madewith a recycledelectrical connector also available at $350each).
TID-1 (010-901-00) - Selective response to nitro-compounds, some halogenates, oxygenates especially
phenols and carboxylic acids, chains of Methylene groups, and other electronegative functionalities operates at 400 - 600°C in inert
2 )
or oxidizing (air, O
2 )
gas environments - femtogram detection for
compounds like methyl parathion, 4-nitrophenol, pentachlorophenol, heptachlor, 2,4-dinitrotoluene, TNT,
and acetaldehyde-DNPH when poweredwith -45Volt polarization available from a DETCurrent Supply.
TID-2 (010-902-00) - Selective response to N,P compounds - Black Ceramic coating has long life and
minimal tailing of phosphorus compounds - operates at 600 - 800°C in a dilute H
in air gas environment low picogram detection for NP compounds -lower cost alternative to Agilent NP sources.
TID-3 (010-903-00) - Selective response to volatile halogenates - more uniform response to halogenates
than TID-1 - operates at 600 - 800°C in inert (N
2 )
or oxidizing (air, O
2 )
gas environments - low picogram
detection for trihalomethanes with minimal peak tailing and greater response for Br versus CI - powered
with -45Volt polarization from aDET Current Supply.
TID-4 (010-904-00) - Our best coating for selective detection of N compounds (not recommended for P
compounds because of tailing) - operates at same NPD conditions as TID-2 with 2 to 3 times better N
detection than TID-2.
TID-5 (010-905-00) - Halogen selective detection - more uniform response than TID-3 - operates at same
temperatures and gas environment conditions as TID-2, but with a higher polarization voltage (-45 V)
available from a DET Current Supply - provides exceptional selectivity for Br versus CI when configured
with a stoichiometric H
TID-6 (010-906-00) - P selective detection with suppressed N response - uses much higher Hydrogen,
Air, and Nitrogen flows than the TID-2 andTID-4 NPDmodes.
TID-7 (010-907-00) - NEWGreen Ceramic for halogenated pesticides, PCBs - operates inN
2 ,
Air, or O
DETECTORCURRENT SUPPLY • - - • • • - - - - - - - - • - • • • - - - • - • - • • $1760. each
(001-901-01) for 115V. Stand-alone module provides heating current and a selection of -5, -15, or -45 V
polarization voltages for DET thermionic sources or the Agilent NP source. May be used in place of the
Bead Voltage supply on the Agilent NPD. Constant current operation supplies
R heating power to the
thermionic source versus V
constant voltage power provided by Agilent's Bead Voltage supply. R is a
combination of the electrical resistance of the leadwires, thewire core of the source, and the resistivity of
the ceramic material molded about the core. As the source ages, R increases slightly with time. With the
Agilent constant voltage supply, the source heating power decreases with increasing R, and this
contributes to the time decay in response of an NP source. To compensate for this, the Agilent Bead
Voltage must be periodically increased in value. With the DET constant current supply, source heating
power increases with increasing R, and this partially counteracts the response decay caused by loss of
the NP source's ionizing activity. The DET supply also includes a green/red status light to immediately
indicate that the source has burned out or the source power cable is not properly connected.
Allows capillary columns of
mm diameter or less to be inserted·through the jet to a termination close
to the ion source as defined by a spacer tool. Eliminates sample degradation from interaction with jet
metal; eliminates jet clogging from sample matrices; and eliminates the need to ever replace the jet.
(010-886-13) -
column spacer
64mm long jet for Agilent's adaptable fitting NPD base -
165. each
(010-887-13) -
column spacer
43mm long jet for Agilent's dedicated capillary base - -
210. each
DETector Engineering
Technology, inc.
486 N. Wiget Lane, Walnut Creek, CA 94598 USA, Phone: 925-937-4203
Fax: 925-937-7581
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