MedicalMarijuana-RestekArchive-July2014 - page 14

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Do I smell Cannabis in the Lab?
Monday, April 14th, 2014 by
Jaap de Zeeuw
week I was traveling in Europe to present seminars on practical topics like trace analysis, faster
analysis and troubleshooting.
During such seminars you visit companies and you always learn something. One of the companies we visited was a company
that did forensic analysis and were specialized in cannabis measurement. My colleague already explained to me, that when
entering the company, I probably would smell a familiar smell.
He was referring to the typical Dutch image because of the tolerance towards growing and using Cannabis, which you can
purchase everywhere in the Netherlands at the so-called “coffee shops”.
When we presented the seminar we also discussed about the possibility of clogging the split lines as was published some time
ago, see:
. Split lines do not only “clog”, the splitted sample components will also get into the
When we discussed about “where the sample went”, when it was splitted off, an interesting discussion started. The sample
components that are splitted off, are normally trapped in an in-line split filter. (or trap). Such filters are filled with charcoal
type adsorbent and are standard installed when the GC is setup. However, they need to be replaced very regularly as this
“trap” will behave like a normal “packed” column, and components will break through once the filter is saturated.
Split line filters are available, see:
In this lab, It seemed that the methods used for cannabis measurement, were split methods, meaning a significant part of
the sample was split-off. As the split-vent traps were not regularly replaced, it would explain why there was a clear
“smell” of cannabis hanging around these labs. It may also explain why the analysts usually were in pretty good mood.
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Drugs of Abuse
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Terpenes in Blueberry Jack Medical Cannabis – GC – More Identified
Wednesday, March 26th, 2014 by
Jack Cochran
Based on acquisition of new terpene standards I was able to better profile the Blueberry Jack medical cannabis impinger
sample on the beta-version 30m x 0.25mm x 1.0µm Rxi-1301Sil MS GC column. Check it out…
I’m looking for suggestions on terpene identification for the ones marked by “?” in the chromatogram below. Help, please!
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