MedicalMarijuana-RestekArchive-July2014 - page 13

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Cannabidiolic Acid (CBDA) Reference Standard now Available!
Tuesday, April 22nd, 2014 by
Amanda Rigdon
Today is a momentous day! Restek’s new CBDA standard is live and for sale. There has been a ton of interest in this
compound in the cannabis industry, but it has historically been pretty much impossible to source. Restek now has this ISO
Guide 34 and 17025 – certified reference standard available at 1mg/mL in acetonitrile. Acetonitrile is an LC-friendly solvent
that also helps to enhance the storage stability of this compound. Including this standard in your LC potency analysis will allow
for accurate quantification of CBDA in cannabis products. For pricing and ordering information, visit the
CBDA product page
or contact one of our friendly customer service representative at
or call 800-356-1688, ext. 3.
While this standard is definitely a little pricey, a little bit of it can go a long way. In solution under refrigeration, this standard is
stable for months at a time. During analyses, only a small amount is injected, so to stretch the standard you have, you can use
limited volume inserts
(LVIs) in your autosampler vials. Without an insert, a minimum of ~0.5mL is required in the bottom of
the autosampler vial in order for the autosampler needle to get to the sample. These inserts allow as little as 50µL to be used in
the vial while still being accessible to the autosampler needle. Using these low-cost inserts can really save on standard
consumption, which can translate to significant cost savings for standards. Just be sure not to fill the LVIs all the way to the top
– some room needs to be left for the volume of the syringe during sampling.
My preferred vial/cap/LVI combination consists of the
2mL, 9mm Short-Cap, Amber Screw-Thread Vials
Preassembled Screw-Vial Closures with PTFE/Silicone Septa
, and
50µL Glass Big-Mouth Inserts with Bottom Spring
. This
combination works on both Agilent and Shimadzu GC and LC autosamplers, so they can be used throughout your lab, and the
screw caps allow for easy re-capping of your standard vials, reducing evaporation, which allows your standards to last even
longer. If you have a different instrument configuration, check out our handy
instrument reference
for these vials.
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