
YES But this is completely Out-of-Context
THAT Is miniscule !
altho becoming a common popularised ( “PopularMechanic”
 but recently being “hyped” by the media in general

Earths Tilt
Seasons are caused by this 32deg Tilt > “wobble” and
does vary significantly but predictably > over time !
The distance Earth to SUN does vary “marginally” but is
of NO consequence either ! . . . to CC

ALL Unknown factors are in FACT Cumulative

Anthropogenic CO2 increase as the MAIN Cause of GW is largely speculative despite the UN > IPCC  Cause >\”edict”
Contrary “geologically” and logically Global Temperature precedes increase in CO2 by 100s of year The Sea are the main “sink” of CO2 > carbonate minerals being the ultimate over milennia and even an ultimate potential replacement but costly CO2 minimisation strategy ( sequestration)
HUge Energ sacrifice NOT practical with “immense” NUCLEAR WW Energy

NUCLEAR ENERGY - Now becoming Cost effective even
but with THORIUM >PERFECT Lower Cost minimal radioactive Pollution . . . > in Modular format >
LImitations > the  Electricity Grid WW required and agricultural Land-(mis) use restrictions /’There IS Literally minimal risk of ANY Global catastrophe due to Climate Change or Global Warming
In Australia we currently DON’t have the manpower ther engineering capability which has bee scrifiaed by “woke” agenda, gender politics the VOICE and political ineptidude ove generations in favor of the ongoing IT log gone by attrition to
 the low cost Russia & India in particular
Technology skills we the actually Education Technology transfer to the CHINESE and for our Resource Infrastructure
. . . by definition 15 to 20 year renewable and on-going !
. . . we’ll never “hopefully”
Unless Govts in their delusion have accelerated Our Immigration policy might help provide the “slave-labor” needed to compete !

Better to “enforce” such employmet to the dole bludgers
and sponsored welfare “parasites in >15% of Our Society

We may (used to be) the Lucky Country, certainly
Our HiTech Talent inevitably waste by The BRAIN DRAIN
 and ineptitude of our “leaders” > Politicians > bureaucrats by
Big Business generally and the associated blatant “indirect” corruption > “jobs for the boys” syndrome *
Australia under Albanese /Labor but infinitely worse
WW under Biden and the threat AGAIN of WW3.
No wonder the consequence being civil unrest> terrorism > chronic drug use and general disillusionment with Society generally IS TO BE EXPECTED . . . and likely to get even worse unless something like an Apocalypse were to in fact happen > would help to clean out “the rot”.
If nothing else  the Population Explosion > the actual MAIN cause of ANY Global Warming that might be significant ! ?
> the so-called Malthusian Syndrome of the 19 Century resurrected by Greenpeace etc  and the
late Duke of Edinburgh in particularly for example, more notable for”culling” WW Population from 7 billion to < 1bill (1970s)
. . .by ANY means !
. . .at least HE is  Now and by definition “self-appointed” Monarchy immune from ALL this !
But I’d personally tend to agree ! . . . but start from the top 5% down !
> a Vote Winner Im sure > but most unlikely OF ALL !

Longer term more likely > a mini-ICEAge is predicted
( within 10k years . . . from historical geological data over millenia . . .
NOT. . .  just by Nostradamus nor “THAT consensus” !

YES But this “minor” extra Tilt is completely Out-of-Context
THAT Is probaly miniscule !
altho becoming aother common popularized ( PopularMechanics” but recently by the media in general
> “ a “ clutch for Straws” to hopefully support the exageration and extortion of the GW>CC agenda > hypothesis of the IPCC and vested interests generally !

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