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cheminert valves
Valco Instruments Co. Inc. Sales:
Fax: 713–688–8106
Types of Cheminert Valves
Injectors and
Switching Valves
The applications section beginning
on pages 168-169 gives an overview
of the many functions which can be
performed by two position valves.
Since the most common method
of sample injection utilizes a 6 port
valve with an external sample loop,
6 port valves are often referred
to as “injectors”. However, as the
Applications section illustrates, 6
port valves can do more than inject
sample, and 8 and 10 port valves can
be sample injectors at the same time
they’re also used for backflushing or
column switching.
One more variation is the 4 port
internal sample injector, which is used
when the sample size must be smaller
than the smallest available loop. The
internal sample “loop” is actually an
engraved connecting slot on the rotor,
sized to contain a specified amount of
All these valves (except manual
Models C1 and C1CF) are compatible
with all VICI actuation options, with
position feedback available for manual
more information
Cheminert valve
product no's . 264-265
. . 186-209
. 168-169
Metals . . . . 254-255
Polymers . . . . . . 256
Valve rotors . . . . 257
Valve descriptions
injectors . . 146-149
selectors . . 150-151
nanovolume® . . 146
Diaphragm . . . . 140-141
injectors . . . . . 99
selectors . . 100-101
Cheminert valve
HPLC . . . . . 152-163
Low pressure . 164-167
. . 152-155, 170-171
Selectors . . . 170-177
OEM . . . . . 178-185
Stream Selectors
(Multiposition Valves)
Selectors move in continuous
revolutions by incremental steps,
unlike the back and forth switching of
two position valves. Each step selects
one of 4 to 26 streams, directing it
through the valve outlet to a sample
valve, pressure sensor, detector,
column, etc. The same valve can also
direct one stream to a number of
outlets for fraction collection.
In the standard models, the non-
selected streams are dead-ended.
However, some valves can be ordered
with an optional rotor that returns
each stream to its source. Consult the
factory for more information.
CHROMalytic TECHnology Pty Ltd AUSTRALIAN Distributors e-mail: Tel: 03 9762 2034