Page 126-127 - Upscale Column Manual.p65R2_0

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Recommended Slurry-Packing Procedure for IK Columns
Fill the column with PACKING BUFFER to verify proper column assemblage. Note: in most cases WATER can
be used as a PACKING BUFFER. Tilting the column and reversing the pump flow can be used to replace all air
out of the column. However, any residual air bubbles are usually squeezed out by the sorbent bed at the final
stages of packing.
Place the sorbent into the Tank#1 and let it sediment in the Packing Buffer. Decant to remove fines and
suspended air bubbles. Gently re-suspend to a homogenous 50-75% slurry.
Pump the slurry at a flow rate AT LEAST ~ 2.5-FOLD FASTER than the projected operational flow of the
column. Note: back-pressure might be the limiting factor for packing of the soft sorbents, e.g. of a 4% non cross-
linked Agarose.
IMPORTANT: once the sorbent bed fills the column, the back-pressure starts rising ABRUPTLY. Shut down the
pump when the pressure is at 15 to30-PSI. Note: over-pressuring of compressible sorbents might result in
“fronting peaks”. A slow packing flow and/or insufficient final pressure might result in “tailing peaks”.
Close Valves V-1 and V-2. Relax the peristaltic pump to relieve the residual pressure in the tubing*.
Replace the Packing Port Adopter with the Packing Port Plug. Avoid trapping in air.
Connect the column to the chromatography skid. Verify proper packing by running HETP and peak asymmetry
*Note: In our experience, it is difficult to completely clean the tubing from the residual sorbent slurry.
We suggest to either discard the tubing after the packing or label it for future re-use with the same