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LC-05 Plus
LC-05 Plus Online Injector
LC-05 Plus
online injector is designed for process monitoring and optimization in pharmaceutical and
chemical industries. The online injector works with an Agilent 1200 HPLC for online monitoring of
reaction progress. It provides a more reliable control on the product quality and helps to improve the
production yields by providing a timely harvest indication.
1. Working principle
A typical working cycle includes following steps:
Collect and filter a sample from a site (a reaction vessel or a calibration standard).
Dilute the sample to make the media compatible with the HPLC mobile phase and the
concentration suitable for the HPLC detector.
Load the sample to the loop of the injection valve.
Export the sample information (such as sample source, type, collection time, and data file name) to
the Chemstation sequence table.
Check the status of the HPLC. Start HPLC analysis when the HPLC is ready.
Clean the dilution vial and the sample line.
All the above procedures are carried out automatically using methods or sequence. Users do not need to
know the real valve and pump switches.
The integration of the online injector with Agilent HPLC is based on dynamic data exchange. There are
no cables involved. The injector also provides an injection port to allow manual introduction of
calibration standard for HPLC calibration.
The software monitors the status of the injector and the HPLC regularly. The status is reflected in the
diagram for easy observation. For example, when the switch valve changes from inject position to load
position; its connection diagram is updated for the new position. If the switch valve goes out of control,
a warning message and help tips will be given in the notice panel. The analysis will be paused. The
injector will also monitor the status of HPLC through a remote cable. It will start a run only when the
HPLC is ready for analysis.