Page 30 - MembraneSolutions 2012-Catalog-Filtration 106p

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Silica Base
C I8-ne
Partkal Size 40-60
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68 A
Endcapped no
Carbon(COfo) 17%
• Non-endcapped bonded phase that enables the silica surface to be
ma-e active
• Moderately nonpolar and polar secondary interactions
• Enhanced the retenti on of polar and basic ccrnpounds than C18
Chrompure C18
1 8
Chrompure C8
Chrompure CN
Chrompure PSA
Partical Size 40-60 urn
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68 A
Endcapped no
Carbon(COfo) 17%
Partical Size 40-60 f-Ull
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68 A
Endcapped yes
Carbon(COfo) 11%
Partkal Size 40-60 urn
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68 A
Endcapped yes
Carbon(COfo) 65%
Partical Size 40-60 f-Ull
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68 A
Endcapped No
Carbon(COfo) 7%
10.1 and 10.9
Organic anIalytes extraction
C18 has the broadest spectrum of
retention among bonded silica sa-bents, smce it retains most orgamc
analytes from aqueoos matrices, when the corrp cunds of
widely m structure
"When analyzing small to intermediate molecules,
Chrcmpure C18 can be used for desalting aquecus matrices pri er to
exchange, as salts pass thrcogh the sa-bent unretained
Moderate Hydrophobicity separating a wide range of compounds
and replace C18 when too strongly retention 00 C18
Simultaneous Extraction: fat- and water-solution vitamins from
human serum and herbicides, fungicides, pesticides frcm waste
• Both normal and reversed-phase chrcmatography
• Less polar ccmpared to silica and less hydrophobic compared to
C18 and C8
• Usually used to extract acidic, neutral, and basic corrp omds frcm
aqueous solutions
• Similar selectivity to Chrcmpure NH2
• Strong affinity and high capacity fa- removmg fatty acids, «game
acids, and some polar pigments and sugars when conducting
multi -residue pesticide analysis m foods
• Excellent sa-bent fa- chelation
Chrompure NH
Partical Size 40-60f-Ull
Silica Base irregular shaped
Pore Size 52-68A
Endcapped No
Carbon(COfo) 35%
• Amino propyl phase, both hydrogen bonding and anion exchange
• Weaker aruon exchanger retention of very strong amcns such as
sulfcnic acids which may be retained Irreversibly on SAX
• Separate peptides, drugs and metabolites from physiological fluids,
and extraction of mono- and polysacchandes, steroids, cholesterol
and triglycerides