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EDX Pocket III
Application fields
An Introduction to RoHS/Non-halogen Testing of
Electric and Electronic Appliances and Toys
RoHS directive is al so called green d irective , wh ich covers a wide range of produc ts : electron ic, ele ct ric ,
medica l, communica tion , toys. and safety pro tec tion equipmenls. They include not onl y the whole machine
products, but also the rela ted spare part s. raw mate rials and packing mater ials.
RoHS di rective restr icts the amount of Pb. Hg, Cr" , PBS and PBOE con tained in the related products to be
less than O.1%(1000ppm ) and Cd O.01%( 100ppm). These restr iction val ues are the legisl a tive basis for determini ng
whether the produc ts comply with the dire ctive or nol.
Accor ding 10 Non-halogen Standa rd of Interna tional Elect rol echnical
Co mmission (IEC 61249-2·21) . the max imum amount of Br element in the
re lated products is re stricted to 0. 09% (900ppm), CI to 0. 09 % (900ppm)
and Br+Clto O. 15% (1 S00ppm ) .
Skyray instrument has been engaged in the resea rch,
p roduc tion and sal es of X-ray fluorescence spectrometers
sinc e its establ ishment. Our EDX Pocket Series Handheld
X-ray Fluorescence Spec trometers have rec eived wa rm
repercuss ion f rom the manufac turer s o f elec tric and
e lectr oni c pr odu cts
for RoHS
testing . Afte r
en for cement o f EU Toy Directive . they have become a
powerfu l wea pon of toy safety tesunq .
Ap plied 10:
• Produc tion of e lectric components and pa rts
• Third pa rty eva lua tion of electr ic spa re part s and raw
ma teria l suppli ers
• Test i ng and veri fica tio n o f pack ing ma ter ia l
• Test i ng and identi fication of hazardou s e lements in
ba tter ies
• Testi ng of toys . sta t ionerie s . chi ldren goods and gi ft s
Precision parts: accurate positioning,
interference eliminated.
... Toy safety testing
Large-sized articles: tested
without barrier or limitation.
Non-destructive test of precious goods:
with no damage to the objects.
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