Page 270 - MRC11_1-292

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Soils may be polluted by liquid and so lid wastes f rom cit ies and indus tr ies dea ling with heavy met als. The
surface soil full of high int ensity heavy metals . driven by wind or water forces. may co ntinu e to po llute the a ir, the
surface wate r, t he underground wate r and the ecclog ica l system , which altog ether pose a great threat t o hum an life and
hea lt h. Th is is es pec ially tr ue whe n the ocuutants are Hg, c o, Pb, As, cu. Zn , Ni , Co and V. Hg is usuall y found in
waste wate r rel eas ed by some plants. They .... ill continue to exi t in the soils for a very long t ime. Pb is usually
found in car ex hausts and st eel me lt ing indus try They are most often discovered in the soils on bot h sid es of t he
roads. Arse nic is usua lly found in pest ic ide , art isept ic , rode nt ic ide , weed kill er and vulcani zation ores exp lorat ion,
separation and me lting indust ry.
An introduction to heavy metals in soils
EDX Pocket III
Application fields
HuMan aClivity wi ll prod.lce different wasles. which
ara l ransporle d to the seils through a;ffaranl ways.
The quant ity and gane·ation speed ol lh e wastas
mighl exceed the purifyi ng
ol lh e soils Then
lhe ecol ogical balan r;, of the soils may he
desl royed by the aCCUMulation of wastes
wilhin it Therelore. .oils
lose functions and
br illg iog a ha 'Mful effeet on l he grOwlh.
productiOIl alld
qu al~ y
)/ the CfOPS and that OIl
human health , existenCJ alld deVfllopmenl .
"' soil cutaway view
As a powerf ul weapon to keep soils safe, EDl< Pocket III
Ha ndhe ld X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer is widely used to
provide multi-e leme nta l ana lysis of all ty pes of soils. It can
also be used in arch eology. The samples can be solids .
dus t , powder, sc raps. slu rry f ilte red substa nces and
membranes .
"'On-site analysis of suspicious polluted area
"'Area identification of landfills
Applied 10:
• Pre - sort ing o f cont amin at ed soi l before lan dfill
• Pro t ec tion of water res our ce
• Environment pro tection institu tes
• Archeo logy and soil res earch
"' Evaluation of soil ecological balance
influenced by industrial liquid wastes
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