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EDX Pocket III
Appl ication fields
An Introduction to Precious Metals Analysis
Pre c ious me lals refer to the eight me tal elements Au . Ag and Ru. Rh . Pd. Os .
PI in PI fam ily. Most
of these metals ha ve beautiful co lors . They are no rmall y un -react ive as they have strong resistance 10
chemica ls . They are usually made into jewerrtes or souven irs . They a lso have wide industrial appl icat ion .
Skyray EDX Pocket III Handheld X-ray Fluorescen ce Spect rometer can test grades and purity
of the precious metals . ide ntify grades of gems tones and conduct routine physical. composi tional
and structural analysis of jewel ries .
App lied to :
• Measure concentration of precious metals Au , PI,Ag an
• Prec ious me la ls and jewelries processing industries
• Jewelry shops and tes t insti tutes
• Banks and electro pla ting industry
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12 Website : E-mail TelNo : 03 9762 2034 . . . in AUSTRALIA