Page 266 - MRC11_1-292

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EDX Pocket III
Application fields
An Introduction to Scrap Metals Recycling and Utilization
Scrap me ta ls r ecy c li ng is an indispensable as pec t o f ci rc ula r economy, wh ich has posi ti ve influe nce
on env ir onmen t p ro te ct ion and resources economiz al ion . Nowadays . nat ions arou nd the wor ld are
pro pelling the caus e o f scrap meta ls re cycling . was le e lect ron ic pr odu ct s reuse and ci rcu lar economy
tr ansf ormat ion of s tee l and non -ferrous ind us tries . Chin a is cu rren tl y rna kinq experi men ts on ci rc ul ar
eco nom y in key ind us t ries , areas, indus tri al parks . and ci li es .
Skyray EDX Pocket III Ha ndhe:d X - r ay Fluoresce nce
Spectrometer is design ed for on -sne measurement and rapid
so rti ng of volume sc rap me tal s. II all ows the sc rap dea lers 10 make
ra p id and reliabl e jUdgme nt on the raw ma ter ial de als. As a powerfu l
wea pon used for metal ident if ica ti on in scra p and regenerat ion me tals
recycl ing, i t has co n tri bu te d si gni fi can tl y to the dev elop me nt of
renewab le material indus try.
Applied 10:
• St-rup metats recycling:
Rare metals: gilt ,s ilver pla ting ,s ilve r point , Hg,
Mo, Ni and W ; Non- ferrous me ta's . CU,AI,stainl ess steel , lead
soldering tin, li n dross , zinc, et c
• '''lit..
el ect ric- epplia nc...\ r..qcli"K:
househol d ap pliances such as ai r–
condi tion er, ref rigera tor, wash ing machine,TV and refrigerator
• JlU.\lt'
l /1/il .\
central air condi tioni ng sys tem,
ref rige ra tion equipment,elec tri c wire and cable ,ballery cell ,
electr ic motor,machine tool,elevator , j ack box, transformer and boiler
... Test of cutting scr aps or shavings
10 Website : E-mail TelNo : 03 9762 2034 . . . in AUSTRALIA