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EDX Pocket III
Applicat ion fields
An Introduction to Minerals Analysis
EOX Pocke t III Handheld X-ray Fluorescence Spect rometer features
rapid ident if ication of mineral categories. auto qual itative and qu antita tive
analysis of mull i elements, crrrerent test options. f ree and unl imited adding
of l est modes and in-bu ill intensi ty cor rec tion mode cor rec ting deviation
cause d
differen t geomet ric shapes or uneven struc tural density. II is
widely used in geography, metallurgy. rare earth. petroleum, environment
mon itoring. non- ferr ous metals, food, ag ricu lture, research insti tutes,
college s and min ing enterprises.
"" n-f ield mi nerals explor ati on and survey
Applied to:
• Mineral exploration and survey
• In-situ inspection of rocks , soil, sediments and ores
• Drawing of atlas of minera l resou rces
• Analysis of crude ore, are concentrates and tails in washing process
• Determination of grade of ores during the purchase of crude ores and ore concentrate
• In-field measurement of archeology
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