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• Minimizes breakdown.
• Low bleed.
• Thermally stable.
• “Clean and green”—manufactured without the use of harmful organic solvents.
The patented Siltek® deactivation process for liners produces a highly inert glass surface that features high
temperature stability, extreme durability, and low bleed. Try Siltek® liners, guard columns, and connectors for
better recovery of sample analytes.
For Siltek®-deactivated inlet liners, add the corresponding suffix number to the liner catalog number.
For base-deactivated inlet liners, add the corresponding suffix number to the liner catalog number.
Intermediate Polarity (IP) Deactivation
• Phenylmethyl-deactivated surface for better recovery of polar and nonpolar
• Compatible with most common solvents.
• Our standard deactivation—every clear Restek liner is IP deactivated unless other-
wise requested.
Siltek Liner
Siltek Liner w/Wool
Siltek Liner w/CarboFrit
addl. cost
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addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
Base-Deactivated Liner
Base-Deactivated Liner
w/ Base-Deactivated Wool
Base Deactivated Liner
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
addl. cost
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Base Deactivation
• Excellent inertness for basic compounds.
• Recommended for use with Rtx®-5 Amine, Rtx®-35 Amine, and Stabilwax®-DB columns.
Liners need to provide highly inert pathways to guard against sample adsorption (reversible or irreversible)
and sample degradation. Deactivations can help accomplish this and Restek offers several deactivation choices.
Don’t Forget Routine Maintenance
Inlet liners are the key to good injection port maintenance; changing them regularly helps prevent
problems such as:
• Sample degradation resulting in poor response.
• Sample adsorption resulting in poor peak shape (tailing).
• Sample discrimination.
• Irreproducibility.
• Extraneous peaks from contamination or cored septum particles.
Finally, be sure to condition your liners at 20 °C higher than the operating inlet temperature for a minimum
of 10 minutes to prepare them for use. By following these basic tips, you can avoid inlet problems and improve
chromatographic performance.
Looking for the Best Solution?
See pages 206-211 for details.
New Sky™ inlet liners, featuring a state-of-the-art deactivation, give you
the inertness you need for accurate, reproducible trace level results.
Website : E-mail : TelNo : 03 9762 2034 . . . in AUSTRALIA Mar