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Figure 1
As column activity increases, signal decreases and retention time shifts.
Lower Detection Limits with Ground-Breaking Column Technology
Rxi® columns deliver more accurate, reliable trace-level results than any other fused silica
column on the market. To ensure the highest level of performance, all Rxi® capillary columns
are manufactured and individually tested to meet stringent requirements for exceptional
inertness, low bleed, and unsurpassed column-to-column reproducibility.
Highest Inertness
Inertness is one of the most difficult attributes to achieve in an analytical column, but it is
one of the most critical as it improves peak shape, response, and retention time stability. Rxi®
technology produces the most inert columns available, providing:
• Increased signal-to-noise ratios to improve low-level detection.
• Reproducible retention times for positive identifications.
• Improved response for polar, acidic, and basic compounds.
Highest Inertness
Lowest Bleed
Exceptional Reproducibility
Increased Signal and Reproducible Retention Times
When capillaries are not sufficiently deactivated, peaks become asymmetric, resulting in
reduced signal and unpredictable retention times. As column activity increases, peak tailing
becomes more pronounced, reducing peak height and causing retention time to drift (Figure
1). In practice, this means that sensitivity is lost and trace-level analytes cannot be reliably
determined. In addition, even compounds at higher concentrations may be misidentified,
due to retention time shifting.
A more significant problem for sample analysis is that retention time can vary with analyte
concentration if the column is not highly inert. Since the amount of target analyte in sam-
ples is unknown, retention times on a poorly deactivated column can easily vary enough to
move compounds outside the retention time window (Figure 2). This can result in inaccu-
rate identifications, the need for manual integration, and additional review or analysis before
results can be reported. Using inert Rxi® columns ensures that compounds elute with good
signal-to-noise ratios at expected retention times, regardless of analyte concentration.
High inertness
• Symmetric peaks
• Strong response
• Accurate, low-level detection
Poor inertness
• Reduced sensitivity
• Misidentification
• Incorrect results
Lower Detection Limits
with Ground-Breaking
Column Technology
Visit us at
Rxi® technology unifies
outstanding inertness, low bleed,
and high reproducibility into a
single high performance column
line. Take variation out of the
equation and get the most
consistent results for trace level
analysis with Rxi® columns.
Rxi®-5Sil MS
Rxi®-624Sil MS
Rxi®-35Sil MS
Rxi®-17Sil MS
Rxi® guard/retention
gap columns
phases available
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