RtxPresentations07 - page 1018-1019

PAHSelectivityTest Probe
A simple isocratic test using a three component PAH
testmix has been shown tobe an excellent test probe
for comparing the relative degree polymeric
character of C18 stationary phases
. This test can
accurately predict the ability of C18phases to
resolve all 16PAH’s.
1. Sander, L.C.andWise, S.A.., Synthesis andCharacterizationof PolymericC18StationaryPhases For Liquid
Anal. Chem.,
, pp.504-510, (1984).
1...,998-999,1000-1001,1002-1003,1004-1005,1006-1007,1008-1009,1010-1011,1012-1013,1014-1015,1016-1017 1020-1021,1022-1023,1024-1025,1026-1027,1028-1029,1030-1031,1032-1033,1034-1035,1036-1037,1038-1039,...
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