RtxPresentations07 - page 3176-3177

R e s t e k
The analysis time needed formany separations canbe drastically reducedby the use
of fastHPLC techniques. Several separationswere convertedusing fastHPLC
techniques. Analysis times for some separations that previously took over 35minutes
were reduced to less than 12minuteswith improvement in selectivitybetween the
components.QualitativeTLC techniques canbe converted to trulyquantitative
HPLC. Since columns employed in the fast LCanalysiswere typically less than
100mmin length, the reduction in analysis time also resulted in increased sensitivity
due to reduction of band spreading.
In addition to improvingperformance through reduction of particle size and column
length, performance gainsmayalsobe realizedbyusing columns equippedwith an
appropriately optimized andhighly selective stationaryphase. These phases allow
improved separation of the componentswithout the drastic increase ink that often
resultswhen reduction inmobile phase strength is used to improve selectivity.
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