VICI-Valco Catalog #60 289p - page 5

VICI AG International Sales: + 41–41–925–6200 Fax: + 41–41–925–6201
Resistively-heated low mass column
FID or Pulsed Discharge Detector
Compact, efficient chromatography
The Problem
Much recent work has been devoted toward meeting
the demand for fast, portable analysis of a wide variety
of potential samples. This research has led many to the
realization that efforts to miniaturize the classic gas
chromatograph can only go so far before one winds up
frustrated by the considerable bulk and power requirement
of the oven and heating element. Recognizing this, Valco
has accelerated the development of a system concept
which is literally “outside the box.”
Our Solution
The VICI Fast GC Module includes the three basic elements
of a classic GC: (1) an inlet, (2) a column, and (3) a detector.
Our system demonstrates that excellent chromatography
can be accomplished using small, lightweight components
to produce rapid, high-resolution analyses for virtually any
application that demands quick answers from an easily
portable instrument.
1. The inlet
The inlet consists of a heated injection port for syringe
injection. An air actuated sample loop injector is optional.
2. The column
The column is resistively-heated by applying a low-voltage
current to a nickel jacket or wrap surrounding the column,
eliminating the need for a traditional GC column oven and
heating element with their power and space requirements.
Column temperature is controlled by regulating the
amount of current, with a small fan for quickly cooling the
low-mass column to near-ambient temperature.
3. The detector
Choose between an FID or a Model D-4 Pulsed Discharge
Detector, which is universal, non-destructive, and highly
sensitive. The D-4’s response to both inorganic and organic
compounds is linear over a wide range. Response to fixed
gases is positive (increase in standing current), with an MDQ
in the low ppb range.
Fast GC Module and controller mounted
on an autosampler
Fast GC Module
for more information,
contact our technical department.
CHROMalytic TECHnology Pty Ltd AUSTRALIAN Distributors e-mail:
Tel: 03 9762 2034
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