MRC-2013-Catalog - page 58

Medical Mass comparator
Mass comparators are devices specially designer for
determining the differences between the weight of
checked standard mass (B) & weight of reference standard
mass (A). Mass comparators are most often applicable in
measuring laboratories, where calibration of weights and
standard masses is performed. We includes in its offer mass
comparators for calibration of weights & standard masses
classes: F2, M1 according to OIML R111, ranging from 5kg
to 20kg with readability 10mg. Mass comparator Series
BPP-Y is a compact housing with precise measuring set.
Mass comparator Series BPP-Y is equipped with big, backlit,
graphic display, and user menu operating in Polish and
English. In order to assure highest measuring accuracy,
mass comparator has semiautomatic adjusting system with
external standard mass. Weighing pan of BPP-Y mass
Comparator is in high degree influenced by external conditions like temperature, breeze and vibrations. For the
purpose of proper operation conditions, it is necessary to use the comparator in a room with very precise temperature
control (laminar air-conditioning) & place of usage should be free from any vibrations.
Comparators do not undergo Legal Metrological Control. Main criterion if evaluation is repeatability. The software is
equipped with application for estimating average deviation by method ABBA, for maximally 6 repetitions. After running
the procedure, the software generates the report with results.
comparator is manufactured in stainless steel technology, it is resistant against scratching, and easy to keep clean.
All elements of mass comparator Series BPP-Y are made from metal, which eliminates the influence of electrostatic
charges on weighing process.
Mass comparator is equipped with user friendly menu allowing for generation of GLP procedures as a standard
printout or freely definable user printout. Mass comparator is equipped with RS 232 output, 2×USB, Ethernet, 2 in/2 out.
Option of detaching
weighing indicator from
weighing chamber
Comparison method
of a standard with
nominal mass 20kg
Comparison method
of a standard with
nominal mass 10kg
Maximal capacity
Range of electromagnetic compensation
Stabilization time
10 s
Pan size
Calibration range according to OIML R111
5kg-20kg (F1), 5kg-20kg (F2-M1)
Working temperature
+15 - +30°C
Change rate of working temperatures
BPP-Y Series, Medical Mass Comparator
1...,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57 59,60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,...738
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