MRC-2013-Catalog - page 538

Features of peristaltic pump tubing:
Good flexibility. Spring back after pressed radially
Good wear abrasion resistance
A certain extent pressure bearing capabilities
Lower gas permeability
Low absorption, good temperature resistance, not easy
to aging, not swelling, anti-corrosion, fewer
Tubing parameters:
Inner diameter and wall thickness are the main
parameters of the tubing. Different manufacturers have
different notations. Such as: specification codes or inner
diameter x wall thickness.
Tubing materials:
Silicon rubber, rubber, plastic, synthetic material, etc.
Different materials have different characteristics and
different applications.
Tubing selection factors:
Chemical Compatibility -
When transfer different fluids, the tubing should have
good chemical characteristics, which is chemical
compatibility. Such as: low absorption, good
temperature resistance, not easy to aging, not
swelling, anti-corrosion, fewer extractable
Chemical resistance decreases as temperature
increases. Chemicals that have no effect on the
tubing at room temperature could attack the tubing
at elevated temperatures.
Chemical compatibility test method:
When the chemical compatibility of the tubing is
uncertain, an immersion test is needed.
In an immersion test, a small piece of tubing is
weighed, and its diameter and length are measured.
The tubing then is immersed in a closed vessel with
the chemical in question for a minimum of 48 hours.
Afterward, the test piece of tubing is rinsed, dried,
weighed and measured, and any changes are
recorded. The tubing also should be examined for
signs of softening or embrittlements, which indicate
the chemical has attacked the tubing.
Pressure -
Peristaltic pump applications typically have been
limited by the pressure capabilities of the tubing.
If the pressure is too high, the tubing could swell,
resulting in an improper fit through the pump head,
which causes excessive wear and tubing failure
The factors which affect the pressure are material,
the proportion of diameter and wall thickness, etc.
Temperature -
The working temperature range of a tubing material
is another important consideration. Different
materials have different temperature range.
Dimension -
The size of the tubing has a direct effect on the
amount of fluid delivered. Well-designed pumps are
engineered to work with an optimum tubing size or
range of tubing sizes, taking into account the
tubing’s inner diameter and wall thickness. The inner
diameter determines the amount of fluid delivered
with each turn of the rotor. The wall thickness affects
the tubing’s ability to spring back to its original shape
after each compression, which has a great influence on
the overall life of the tubing.
Dimension -
The size of the tubing has a direct effect on the amount
of fluid delivered. Well-designed pumps are engineered to
work with an optimum tubing size or range of tubing sizes,
taking into account the tubing’s inner diameter and wall
thickness. The inner diameter determines the amount of
fluid delivered with each turn of the rotor. The wall
thickness affects the tubing’s ability to spring back to its
original shape after each compression, which has a great
influence on the overall life of the tubing.
Tubing Flex Life -
Different tubing materials have differing abilities to
withstand the repeated squeezing action of the rollers.
In general, each tubing size, tubing material, pump head
style, and operating speed in combination has its own life
characteristics. Service life, or flex life in the pump, is the
primary concern in a new application. Pump performance
is very consistent in a specific application. Maximize
the life of a pump system by selecting a tubing material
that offers long flex life, using thicker wall tubing, and/or by
operating a larger pump at slower speed.
Tubing Types which MRC Company Can Provide:
Domestic silicone tubing -
Platinum-cured silicone tubing: Ultra-smooth inner liner with extremely low leachables, good
flexibility, translucent and wide temperature range of -60 to 238°C.
Imported tubing -
Tygon®, PharMed®BPT, Viton®, Fluran®, Norprene®, etc.
Specific types of above tubing refer to “Peristaltic Pump Configuration Table”.
Please contact Loner Company to know all the specification of above tubing.
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