MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 378

Navigation to Nanoworld With SEM
How do you keep the forefront from competition in
researching nanometer small world.
MRC provides convenient Table-top SEM to
industry and school which makes it possible
having high resolution Image precisely and quickly.
By adopting SEM, It is possible to observe nano-world
and obtain high quality images without paying
excessive expenses.
High Quality Images with Economical Price
SEM help customer to obtain urn and nm
quality images within a few minutes. The size of SEM
enhances space efficiency in the laboratory.
SEM is the best reasonable instrument which help
science teacher to give visual explanation to the
students. SEM is also more affordable to small and
medium industry company. MRC promises precise
nano-world measurement using SEM.
SEM-20/30, TableTop
The Wise SEM for Your Application
Material Analysis
SEM helps to grasp material characteristiathrough
providing precise images. SEM makes it possible to analyze
deep submicron or nanometer structure.
Alteration of material caused by pressure, heat can be
detectable using SEM. High depth of field and dear image
from SEM would be the best solution to find defects and
changes of various materials.
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The structure and size of material in pharmaceutical
chemistry keep diminishing to reach nanometer in
researching area. SEM can be utilized to view nanometer
samples precisely and eventually help researcher to get
exact output what is needed.
Quality Control
Tiny defects can be found exactly through having high
quality Images with SEM. Deep submicron cracks that is
hard to find using optical microscope can be detectable
using SEM. Inspection with SEM may find out problems in
manufacturing process and hence quality of product can
be upgraded into higher level.
Educational Purpose
SEM leads students into the nano-world of science that has
not been viewed practically in school. Now, numeral
application such as cells, insect, pollen, metal texture,
forensic evidence would be applicable with SEM.
This instrument may derive students’ curiosity of nano-world
which help to discover a talent of students.
Scanning Electron
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