MRC-2014Hot.svg - page 292-293

Use method
2. Use Method
Fix the reaction container, and add the materials into the bath according to your needed temperature.
If the water bath or oil bath is used to stir, please add suitable volume water or oil according to the
container’s capacity (
water or oil can’t be overfilled in case of damaging the machine and in
danger); the liquid level should be 2/3 of the bath.
Power on and switch on the heating switch, the display show “Input type PT” for 4S, the machine
enters the running state and shows the measurement temperature. After the temperature is set, the
machine is in normal working condition.
Turn the potentiometer switch to open stirring function and adjust the rotary speed slowly according to
your needs.
Temperature setting
press SET setting button, display SP and set value periodically, change the set
value by increasing “▲” and reducing “▼”. Press SET button to confirm and exit the setting state.
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