

> Chromatography TLC
“Who said the Art of
Chromatography is dead”

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put some chemistry back into
Your chromatography”

Column Chromatography
Bulk Adsorbents - Silica Gel, Alumina - modified
- Low metal content
- narrow controlled particle sizes
TLC and high efficiency microTLC
Flash Chromatography


some Special Grades

  • Alumina C
    - for PCB Removal
  • Alumina P
    - Pyrogen removal - antiobiotic production
  • Alumina R 
    - for isotope separations
  • Al 5878
    - Dioxin Analysis
  • Al 2000
    - removal of metal anions from water
  • Al 5500
    - removal of arsenic from water

CT > Dynamic Adsorbents

Dynamic Adsorbents
Leaders in the use of Activated Alumina and Silica Gel
in Chromatography and Other Separation Technologies
Flash “PDF” Catalog ( Faster ) pageT
Product List PDF


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Column Chromatography Primer  Dyanamic Adsorbants
Dynamic Adsorbents DA Catalog 2017


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Dynamic Adsorbents, Inc., is a company dedicated to advancing chromatography and separation science.  We formulate and manufactures proprietary and specialized chemical adsorbents used for the purification of industrial compounds. DAI products include:

Standardized alumina has become synonymous with Dynamic Adsorbents.
Our unique, customized aluminas have proven to be superior materials critical to achieving the best results in a diverse number of chromatographic applications.
DAI makes a number of specialty aluminas that deal with PCB removal; pyrogen removal; purifying, separating and product formulations in the radioactive field; solvent purification; pilot and process applications; gas and liquid dehydration; removal of lead and heavy metals from water; scavenger alumina for impurities; decolorization; and the removal of arsenic from water.

DrySphere is a new, dust free, spherical activated alumina manufactured to optimize desiccant performance.
Our activated alumina is highly porous and exhibits tremendous surface area.
Activated alumina is resistant to thermal stock and abrasion and will not shrink, swell, soften nor disintegrate when immersed in water.

The DynaFlash family of pre-packaged cartridge products provide a cost effective solution to more expensive commercial alternatives.
The DynaFlash  family of cartridges offers precisely what you have come to expect from all DAI products  the best alumina or silica, and the best bonded phase packing material available for academic or industrial usage.
The DynaFlash Cartridges can be customized with a wide variety of aluminas and silicas, both with a variety of pore sizes, particle distribution ranges and in normal or bonded phases.

Our Dyna-Aqua line uses specially created aluminas to remove toxic and heavy metals from water.
The latest addition to the line, Dyna-Aqua Oil Sorb   was created to deal with the recent oil spill problem in the Gulf of Mexico. According to independent tests, the combination of DAI alumina and specially formulated cotton from Hobbs Bonded Fibers provides a cost-effective and efficient method of removing oil from the ocean removing not only the oil, but toxic fumes and vapors. In addition, this method allows 60% of the oil to be recovered.

Dynamic Adsorbents technology and experience has resulted in one of the broadest TLC programs in the world with a variety of phases, layers and plate types, including silica gels, aluminas, cellulose and PEI cellulose.

DAI Silica gels are carefully manufactured and quality assured to produce an excellent Laboratory and Pilot Process chromatographic material. From raw material to finished product, we precisely control the physical characteristics of pore size, surface area, particle size and surface chemistry to ensure reproducible, optimized chromatographic behavior for uniform capacity, selectivity and improved resolution.

Our Nylon foil tubing is used to hold or contain the silica gel or alumina for dry column chromatography.
Florisil PR is a new selective adsorbent, specially processed to give consistent results when used for column cleanup and separation of chlorinated pesticide residue prior to identification and measurement of the pesticide by gas, thin layer or paper chromatography.


Thanks to our specialized and customized aluminas and silicas, DAI is the only company able to service the widest range of existing and new applications, including:

Our Team

DAIs Team has  set the standard over the last 30 years  when it comes to the  use and rating of alumina.

Our company prides itself on its staff and its management team.
We consider ourselves to be only as good as our personnel and we strive to be that best in our tasks that we can be.
The management team is spearheaded by scientists who have trained beyond the doctorate level and who have more than 30 years each in the fields of separation science and chromatography.
Our scientific leaders have published in many peer review journals and hold patents awarded for disruptive technologies which have helped to revolutionize and transform the field of separation science.
Dynamic Adsorbents grew out of the need to provide clients with the best products to meet their adsorbent needs   and to help clients develop the best solutions to the special challenges you face.  
The company is closely affiliated with research oriented universities and is asked by Fortune 1000 companies to provide solutions for their purification and separation needs.
Working out of corporate offices in Atlanta, there is a satellite facility in New England and a global distribution network supporting sales and marketing efforts.


DAIs expanding base of clients include: university research labs, companies large and small (including several Fortune 1000 companies) and government agencies. In addition to working directly with many end users, DAIs products are distributed through some of the most respected companies in the industry.   DAIs work with large companies and government agencies will become more pronounced in the future due to its involvement in developing state of the art solutions to the growing swine flu and other disease control and public safety problems facing our country and the world.

The Dynamic Advantage

Dynamics business has grown tremendously over the last few years because companies, lab, and agencies realize that DAI provides clear advantages over competitors advantages that make DAI far and away the best choice for separation and environmental cleanup needs. These include:

In short, DAI offers a combination of proprietary technology, product quality and variety, and service second to none providing the BEST choice for the BEST solution to most separation and environmental cleanup needs.

The Future

Even though it has been in use for almost a century, Liquid Chromatography (LC) continues to grow exponentially as an analytical and preparative technique as chemical adsorbents are essential to the pharmaceutical, chemical, biotechnology, semiconductor and electronic industries.
Dynamic Adsorbents is proud to play a significant role in the development of this trend.
DAI will continue partnering with our clients (primarily Fortune 1000 companies) to find solutions to their unique requirements for specialty chemicals and adsorbents for purification and separation.

DAIs goal over the coming years is to remain in the forefront of separation and environmental cleanup technology by creating exciting new alumina and other products and solutions that most effectively deal with problems and issues impacting upon transportation, energy and public safety needs.
 Our goals are clearly focused.
Stay tuned to this website for exciting news about product launches.
We promise to demonstrate DAIs role in working with government agencies, cutting edge scientific laboratories and companies to more effectively deal with many of the longstanding and growing problems facing our country as we help develop a cleaner and safer environment and better protect the public.

Dynamic Adsorbents


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