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we have time limited access (by days)
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for defunct OEM Sites

LDETEK > taken over by  . . .
Calidus GC > taken over by Tekmar
BioChemValves > taken over by DI BA

Many parts still available from CT
or to Order for “old(er)” customers
many items for eg now replaced by “Takasago

but >
send us your details

*Name : _ _ _ _ _ _                    
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as per Your REGISTRATION Form
by e-mail >
& Apps of Interest :
GC/HPLC/Enviro/Pharma : ? *Nominate” !
*Plus relevant details of your enquiry
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Else Insufficent INFO U risk > Denied !

NO fictitious, Anonymous details
We verify or else we reject the request !

THEN U R restricted to this overview Site
until resolved

ALL PDFs to be regarded as CONFIDENTIAL

 Some Products have become obsolete & No longer listed by our previous
OEMs / Suppliers
we reserve the right to offer Alternative

items of similar or better quality and
often at more economical cost  !

OR mutually marketing “rights” have been withdrawn !r
In their own right  much of the “invaluable”
Technical Info has been archived !
and “Without Prejudice”

> Chromalytic Technology PtyLtd
Copyright 2014-2021+ All OEM rights reserved !

> see even more > Main Site SHOPPE > Mals Cart & updated ! $$$’s ?

Like many large business‘s management
DOES get somewhat out of control.
altho’ Restek is owned under a very creditable
worker(s) “share” system

but not unlike some Government “bureucracies”
> perhaps ! ?

FlipHTML5 Library
Or Flip BookCases

Page Under Condtruction STILL!
Shop SRI GCs SHOPPE-MalsCart-X Shop ChromTubing Shop Ferrules Shop Fittings ChromFittings-VICI ChromFittings-Jour Shop ChromVials PharmaVials Access Shop Filtration Shop GC Columns Shop MXT( see Restek) PLOT Columns (Restek) MEGAColumns more SHOP2CT-X NEW Site Under Construction

> our more detailed Site