3D Print

2023 Update


ULTEM / PEI  cost vs compromised properties ease, bed temp, “oven” enclosure essential to minimise warping > slow annealing > strength

Nuts&Bolts-some Tricks
plastic shrinkage & strength problems vs metal
resolution vs layerheight etc ?

  • TestingRig Tick-s BoltTest 3D RIG > inconclusive due to print resolution diffs ?
    FDM vs SLA 3D printed bolts and nuts (PLA vs Resin)
  • CAD Trick to match Male/Fem thread Tick-s N&B Thread CAD Trick
    3D Printing Nuts&Bolts & Screws using Fusion 360 and McMaster-Carr

3D SCanners

10um > common ! but $$$s still !

Open Scan


BUT Can Be A Computer “BUMMER” ! ?
CLOUD-based OP SYSTEMS are”complete” Bull-Shit !

thats’ Why real industrial machines  of ANY Worth still use WIN > 20years old > > embedded

  • threads larger than M12 or 1/2”€³ can be successfully printed with 0.2-mm layers, while smaller threads should be printed with thinner layers.
  • PETG has a tensile strength of around 7,250 psi and a high elongation at break (>20%), making
    it stronger andĀ less brittleĀ than both PLA and ABS. Additionally, PETG has a glass transition temperature of around 80Ā°C, which allows it to maintain its properties at moderately high temperatures
  • Fast(er) FDM (Filament) 3DPrint Tick-s ~AUD 15K
    Bambu Lab X1 Carbon > one of the better low cost “compromises”  Bambu Lab X1 Carbon :
    “What NOBODY Is Talking About” Bambulab X1 Carbon Update23-10 also model “thingos” library/search > thangs
  • May be Worth My PDF with lots of +ve user feedback Tick-s > DIY maybe ? . . . our PDF Later !
    BUT CAN Be A “BUMMER” ! ? see Power Time-Outs . . . below

    MS Windoow >Bill Gates couldn’t Care Less ( it seems ! ) OR Too dumb to realise the limits of CLOUD_WIN 10 / 11 & soon WIN12 etc > ANOTHER potential “deliberate” “BUG-Fix” for them !
    LIke their “Crap” > “Forced Auto WIN Op Sys > Cloud Update “scam” concept ! WHAT FOOLS
  • Like THE W3C HTML5 2015 Farce cause Mainly by built-in “bugs” in their WIN OP SYSTEM ! . . . ? . . . 20000 date bug fiasco . . . remember that ! > delusion “age > generation gap” > exploitation !

    OK ! IT’s FAR From a PERFECT WORLD . . .at least for THE “mugs” out there !


My “consensus”

and Still just My Opinion ONLY !

Listen ! > be prepared to ”learn the “hardway”

Prove Me wrong !
. . .

& with “evolution

Science !

  • Low Cost printers  (<1000) > still very “speculative”
  • OEMs treat the marker as “guinea pigs” to troubleshoot > debug their proto-types after 20 years > they are gettng better with more R&D and less “hype” as the “mug” market has since “dried up”
  • many “scammers”
  • OK for kindergarten kids perhaps and pseudo s’ware ‘Template’ models for making stuff they
    can probably already get from “trash n’Treasure anyway . . . for little cost  > a “convenience” factor perhaps but at huge “time-wasting “time & effort”
  • Commercial are good even for Ulem (PEEK Clone) but expensive
    Heated Bed;
  • AutoCad is hopeless fort many ! learning curve and “contrived “ambiguity and redundancy
    in THAT S’ware industry TOO !
  • 3D Scanners are improving but 10 to 20micron resolution from $10k)+ for example for decent work you really need >
  • heated bed 90C
  • Oven encloser  > uniform 180 - 250C > for PEEK maybe ?
  • linear bearings
  • High Quality Stepper motors
  • auto bed-levelling and decent adhesion for intital layer strengt
  • safety issues re overnight sloe jobs > camera built-in alar
  • no Filament > auto-resume ( re expected Govt caused PowerOut “scams”earning cueve and NOR for the dumbed-down “ or without necessary “long-term tinkering” experience
    exotic fiamets > toxic fumes > require “effective” HEPA Filtter exhaust re OH&S
  • HighTemp ( > 280-350C ), non-abrasive filament jet
  • a slow frustrating for anything really worthwhile ?( > a toy still )
    > still slow and expensive 1000’s & part price cost>benefit still required
    Another ~10 years evolution but for “protoypes” ONLY EVER and Never as good as Injection Moulding re cost and strength > if U justify the large Qtys
  • “deluded “Hobby” Shops inevitably leads to “blatant scamming” and All “faked > pseudo Science”associated with AL ( > most High Tech “initiatives” these days !

RESIN Printers promising ? BUT

Resin OEM still REFUSE ( & illegally ! > Be-A-Ware ! ) To disclose proprietary  Formulations
re resin / Solvent vapor etc re BOTH
OH&S abu also foy getting ANY required certification for Medicalpharmaceutical product use


Strength of finished part ? a compromise at best ! > “ Be-A-Ware! “

  • Highly dependant on build-Quality compronses 3D Printer OEMS > cheap parts
    ( & often 3D printed ) ;  low cost Power Supplies )
    rewquires sturdy mounting and “ robust “ printer Frame > rails etc
  • Light-weight Print-head
  • jet ID & Filament diameter ( most are 1.75mm )
  • Layer ( Step) height
  • NO In-fill ( square, triangular etc )
  • Wall Layer thickness
  • filament type of course PLA is high strength but useless outside re UV Moisture deterioration over weeks ) Nylon, stabilised PC are OK
  • some require pre-drying of the filament before printing ( eg Nylon
  • exotic mixes or compositer (glass/graphite) filaments add to strengthossiblw with
    end product “touch-up” rethreading etc
  • Threads (nuts&bolts) are near impossible with re-drilling > threading touch-up,
  • due to gross or marginal “warping shrinkage of the “final” printed product
  • For “critical” APPS TEST Your FINAL 3d Printed PRODUCT before “usage”


LIKE-wise you’d NEVER leave lathe > CNC > Injection Moulding machines in the hands of  “dumbed-down” > “Dick-Heads” . . . EITHER !NOT Exhaustive . . . but ASK ! . . . IF U R are still preparedto learn . . . if ONLY as a “hobby” > IT IS interesting !
. . . to me at least > STILL pretty useless

for small> tiny parts < 1.4”OD( capillary tube fittings  re cost & print resolutuon more-so the hassle of AutoCat limitions and fraudulent “cost scams” all too prevalent !  STILL !

LIKE-wise you’d NEVER leave lathe > CNC > Injection Moulding machines in the hands of 
“dumbed-down” > “Dick-Heads” . . . EITHER ! . . . but NOT Exhaustive . . . but ASK
. . . IF U R are still prepared
to learn . . . if ONLY as a “hobby” > IT IS interesting ! . . . to me at least > STILL pretty useless !

for small> tiny parts < 1.4”OD( capillary tube fittings  re cost & print resolution more-so the hassle of Auto-Cad limitations and fraudulent “cost scams” all too prevalent !  STILL !

an “apt” analogy” might be ( my “observation”
~90% of “ALL PCs” over `45years in the hands of kids & house”wives” (gender neutral Or Not ! ) have
found PCs absolutely redundant beyond PCs have been largely relegated to the “dump” or “locked-in-the-cupboard” AND far beyond the simple need of a “2-bob” calculator “for adding up their grocery bills “
for example despite Microsoft etc hype > decades of built-in obsolescence perhaps? and trillion $ cost waste” !
Business YES ! > a completely different matter but still a “gross” OVERKILL !

Mobile phones similarly when un-regulated in the hands of the “dumbed -down’ >”
a symptom of our (in)complete Education System ( in Australia” and the “words of one-syllable“
> mentality all too-prevalent now-a-days ?
WE are still pouring OUT IT “Experts” from Our Universities 20 years too late add s’’ware > dominated
by much lower cost Indians > Russia and “ scammers” ’generally

As for the real practical need anymore for QUANTUM Computers” > ??? perhaps for OPTUS to calculate ANY Internet “System scam rebates”: they might need

OR threats of “AI - Artificial Intelligence” TOO Late” already embedded in the “heads” of MOST OF
“The media” and MOST “politicians & “entrenched  bureaucrats who obviously enable and exploit the “contrived” situation
The “associated” corruption for political gain IS OBVIOUS albeit arguable still by these “extremists:
 . the “rat-bag” > “minority” groups) and their “pseudo-“terrorism” blackmail tacticts

> “the real  “Balance of Political Power”  ?. . . in Australia the US and elsewhere collectively heading
in the direction of Iran > Russia>  and other 3rd World “despots” > China perhaps ?

Cloud-Base Operating System
for ANY
Time dependant Instruments

ANY ONline 3D Priners Including most standard GCs
( Fast GCS less so ( at least in 3rd Worls AUSTRALIA & > elsewhere ?

THE InNternet is just NOT reliable enough for long term operation eveb mini  time--ouOmilisecs) can destroy streaming data
( completely > Not -saved even)Streaming VIDEO Net-FLIX) Is
notor[uous > woeful

Bambulab 3D Is ONLY Via” the CLOUD ? but ???
IF SO  until BL wakes Up

SRI GCs can be either type of OP Systems
BUT at least Be-A-Ware!
of ALLother Lab Instrument OEM  potentially“DickHeads”

My Experiece !

Uploading “entire” large Website can be almost fatalk with complete loss of Site Data.
WiFI can be the main issue ! > IT’s NOT a Perefect World !
OUr NteObjectsFusion “old Editor 1000HTM !000 of pdfs etc can take 3 to 8 hours to upload and worse can delete ALL server files associated

CT 3D Printer Pics  >  PIC Gallery > via“courtesy”
some3D Scanner pics > evolving still ! and very Expensive OR Limited ! Current > ! 10 micron & hand-held
but demand PROOF from OEMS (& NOt dealers !) first !  for both Printers & Scanners
and real samples  If NOT satisfied > THEN RUN !
Of YOURS ! . . .  IF you get sucked in to paying $100K+ for a “system”
You could even 3D Print a “once-off” gun until it blows up literally “in YOUR Face
quite OK ! . . . by Me ! . . . IF it Is a HABAS “terrorist” ( > preferably “
 imported as immigrands into AUSTRALIA BY Labor Govts
. . . as potential “Voting Fodder . . . Or Not !
NO Racial bias ! of gender politics ! . . .  with me ! > religious extremism of ANY Sort !
> NOR “crank” Stuff as it might be perceived ! . . . Or tolerated !

plenty of options ! BUT also plenty of “obsolescent “JUNK” !
Be-A-Ware !

CHROMTECH :  Specialists in Chromatography
Chromatography Fluid Transfer Products : & FOR !
All Your Laboratory Needs

- Importers & Distributors in AUSTRALIA

3D Print-Unique


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Good IDEAS !

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but see Scams

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