in Hindsight after 30+ year of OUR (pseudo) > NET access !
( starting with CB radio and BulletinBoards/modems and crazy slow “speeds” for years and years ! )

until Telstra > Optus started “waking up” to themselves > belatedly !

NOW ! Even GOOGLE is STILL really “f..k.d in the head”
( being run by nerds ! . . . after all what do you expect ? )

More so they run to the tune & “whims” of THE “vested interests”
and where the $$$s REALLY are !

THEIR Ranking ? > doesn’t really matter what we do we actually get virtually “zero ranking” on their “pseudo fraudulent” Site RANK System

all based on an ever-changing algorithm(s) but inevitably hidden rank
“by ADS or payment” > “extortion” . . . who knows ! ?

Complicit by the WC3 Web HTM “consortium” a 3-4 party “consensus” directed by the like of WIN, APPLE, Adobe, IMG Samsun etc . . . but who’d really know ? who change “web design” rules and tend to trash good Webtools and “Fast Track” evolution  > direction“ of s’ware & “built-in obsolescence strategies despite ALL claims to the contrary !

PDFs have never really progressed out of NOT being “Page-served” and inevitably ulra slow for PDF page bundles  . . . even now in 2023 for
> ~10-20pages . . . at Australian “choked” NetSpeeds . . . even the a lot of It is being targeted “cached” & mirror cached foe Website developers > previewing etc
> “crazy” delay effects in publishing / proof-reading etc

Catalog publishing > 50p ( and we have PDF “bundles” up to 1000page in FlipHTML5 that ARE Fast > Page-served ( after an initial kickstart overhead of a few secs > BRILLIANT . . . perhaps this will be cancelled TOO as W3C “progresses & evolves > “backwards” !
AND a far better presentation than PDF will ever be !

those “Faint-hearted” enough . . .  >

  • prematurely forced into “retirement” )
    NetObjects Fusion V15 ( 2015) which we still use as the best NAV design still available  & > “sabotaged ?”
    ( NOT supported NOW the web original “brains” probably die-off by Now Or (bored) bought out literally ! )

> ALL in favor of “problematic more HTML5 addicts of WordPress and chaotic 3rd party plug-ins of quite variable bug and built-in obsolescence
Javascript > possibly being compromised

the “bullshit” of Cloud Servers and WIN auto-enforced updates
and on-the-fly ambiguous auto-changes to “ > latency jerkiness of the
Web & Wi-Fi generally > a problem  STILL !)

  • Examples of > obsoleted” excellent s’ware
    NOF v15
  • WordPlus V8 2016!)
  • Adobe “Flash” ( 2021) the basis of numerous WIN 3rd party” “plug-ins” for WIN but  note > NEVER recognised by APPLE . . . for example !
  • The built-in obsolesence ( marketing ) of WIN

     ( & way beyond XP, 7 > 10 > 11 ) > few benefits and a mindless complexity of un-needed > unwanted menu option > mess ) for 99.9% od web users to add up their grocery Shopping List or for “crazy” E-bay / Amazon etc buying !
    > a HUGE overkill > even a bit incestuous ! > (mono> Geopoly !)

ALL on the pretext of “security”
JUSTIFICATION for a perfected “Grey” WEB System” for “business EVEN IF AT A NOMINAL FAIR COST !

the “freebie nerds” > can go to Hell !

Noticably the high Tech Govt monitoring and flux of “scammers” ever since has appeared to have drastically increased since the ~2016 ! “open up”
and even more “scammer loopholes” ?

WordPress > ??? and clones a bit of misdirection into the gaggle of so-called mobile APPS often dramatically limited by screen size and “practical usability “Magoo

 but well B4 days of Twitter ! and it’s “ressurection !“  under Musk
degenerate now to Twitter & “Twats” and “words on one syllable
 and the “comms”  dialog of the “ woke” generation and the de-generated “Education” System as a whole > { THE “tick box” agenda ) !

and in the interest of seeing NOT reading e-mails past the Heading or first Twxt paragraph at best ! ?

> the “bottom line from THE TOP

CONGRATULATIONS” IF U’ve  read this > So Far !
perhaps even my “Blogs”  generally ! might extend this interest > much further ?

All in “the consequences & their favor”  of the evolution to WIN etc “gaps” in code > loopholes that come “ready made” for scammer “opportunities and SEO scams ! > a “consensus” opinion ?
> . . . AND ALL a contrived “farce” ? arguably perhaps !

WOW section GOOGLE” may have in fact done us a favor !
& inadvertently ! . . . perhaps ?

despite probably having “cancelled” (old editor) us or simply deliberately confused the “S..t” out of ALL of US ! with their “crazy” ever-changing  Ranking “algorithm(s)”

“their” [ SEARCH ]“ is NOW left “open” ! it seems ?
 ( at least temporarily perhaps ? ) >
results are and can be “filtered” specifically by U 
 and ~80% in favor ! of Us ! ) .  .  . If that’s what u really want ?
via > . . .

a [ GoogleSearch ] > [ “keyword” + Chromtech ] External ? but better Within ! here !

  • see via our Pic SNAPShot PICSnapshot >
    This tends to  by-pass most of the other “crap” results Google tends to come up with  ! eliminating those millions of “hits” otherwise caused ! > most Probably PAID Ads ? . . . their PAY FOR (Any? “ Ranking” > “scheme” ?

Certainly THIS Is Far from “perfect” ! as there’s some interference from a few similar “Web-Sites” to Ours and a few other random “scammers” who attempt to “pirateOUR various WEBSites . . . deliberately “oldHTM” > our preference > Not SO Easy!
Current Editors oare “full-of” 3rd party APPS > nebulous > buggy and prone to simply dissappear ie “scam”s themselves ! ?
. . . the “bane” of the Internet unless regulated

Fortunately many of these are still relevant to Us ! even IF Only > via YOUR 2nd tier Search
even IF a mix of HTM, PDF, FlipHTML5 and even some old(fer) Flippages and more obvious “others”

THIS Site WE consider “simply” > more as a Technical Resource for U !

But IF SO ? > necessary ?
Please notify Us ! as references > WE can track down independently from ALTERNATIVES if need be and offer to YOU!

  • a similar search for some FlipHTML5 Product SECTIONS   arrowProducrSections

Perhap Google might “smarten up” eventually and introduce an effective “StepSEARCH” as it was invented 25 years ago ( in Australia ) but since sold-off > privatised since ! despite Googles Boolean
”pretense” attempt > “effort” !

maybe even “self -cancel”their OWN “Snoop mechanism” via “hidden”
( Laptop ) cameras etc particular any pretense that
( at users option ) but obviously with “ their over-ride capability ”
when / if they deem necessary ! ?

It IS Notable that after >30 years on the Net Our WEBsite(s) have NEVER gotten Any Google Ranking what-so-ever !
& literally . . . THAT’s unbelievable ?

 No matter what we do re OUR web-design )
the “Ads” obviously pay for “their” Ranking > NO Doubt !
 despite their denials and “obfuscation” re “algorithms etc
2023 At least MS >”BING” >> “CoPilot” Has Now introduced an AI Attempt
 ( & IT IS Very GOOD! . . . soon to be followed No Doubt ) by GOOGLEs “effort”
> more better competition dredges out more evolution ! Always a 20 year >
“drag” R&D > “commercial”

At Least they Now seem to Index OUR Pages and at last we get them onto
 the web but cacheing and (Our)Site filtered “mirroring” possibilities are a worry
( server and / or corrupt ISP and SEO interference level ! ???
please explain ( Julia Hanson . . . but just an Aussie MP )
WE get VERY little new customer interaction ??? > extraordinary !

FAST Track ! into OUR Chromtech > OUR “real” some APPS ( Sections )
NOT just those Crap mobile “PayAPPS “?
via flipHTML5 ( > PicLinks )
by-pass the “drudgery” of HTM * !”
* > OK ?  > for the “intro” detail !

CT Chromatogrphy  >   PIC Gallery > via the “courtesy” of ”Our” GOOGLE SEARCH  PICs &>
 >PDF LINKs & then > FlipHTML5 ! ( or > Library )
> even More (HTM/B’case) !
> Good IDEAS !

Email-Us U'r Feedback

We’d Welcome YOUR  e-Mail : > Response . . . but moreSo! YOUR “Feedback” is also welcome !