Restek-OEM-Parts_780p - page 136

Restek Performance Coatings
As needs for improvedperformance of system components increase, coatings often are an effective solu-
tion. Restek’s PerformanceCoatingsDivision specializes in innovative surface treatments for steel, stain-
less steel, alloys, glass, andothermaterials.Our surface treatments increase resistance tocorrosion, reduce
interactions between steel surfaces and active compounds, inhibit cokingonprocess system surfaces, and
offermanyother advantages.
Restek’s involvement incoatingsbegan in1987.The focusof our initialworkwas toproduceacoatingon
stainless steel that would be inert to low levels of reactive organic compounds, such as explosives and
volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The end product from this workwas the Silcosteel® surface treat-
ment for stainless steel tubing. Silcosteel® treated tubing currently isused for constructinganalytical test-
ing equipment by allmajormanufacturers of gas chromatography sampling and testing instruments.
Since this initial project, our coatings experts have developed a family of surface treatments to address
other specific needs, and thereby enhance the performance of system components. Products of our
processes aremorecorrectlydescribedas surface treatments, rather thanas coatings,because,unlikecoat-
ings, the introduced layerpermeatesandchemicallybonds to the treated surface.Andunlikecoatings, this
layer cannot chip, flake, or blister. Inbrief, these treatments are:
—A general purpose passivation layer for steel and stainless steel.USPatent 6,511,760.
—Theultimate passivationof treated surfaces, from glass tohighnickel alloys of steel.
USPatent 6,444,326.
—Dramatically reduces carbonbuildupon stainless steel components.
USPatent 6,444,326.
—A corrosion resistant layer that increases the lifetime of system components in
acidic environments containinghydrochloric acid, nitric acid, or seawater.USPatent 7,070,833.
—Greatly reduces outgassing from components of ultra-high vacuum systems.
USPatent 7,070,833.
—A required treatment formetal componentswhen analyzing for parts-per-billion levels
of organo-sulfur compounds.USPatent 6,444,326.
Restek surface treatments are now used inmany applications, spanningmultiple industries andmarket
areas. Restek coated components increase the lifetime of stackmonitoring equipment. Treated injector
nozzles have longer service life because coking is inhibited. Sulfinert® treated sampling equipment
increases the reliability of process measurements in refineries and petrochemical plants. Amass spec-
trometermanufacturer demands Silcosteel® treatedparts to increase instrument sensitivity for analyzing
pesticides.Restekcoatedair samplingequipment isused inapplicationsasdiverseas samplingcityairand
monitoring submarine cabins.
Durable and flexible layer, incorporated into the surface.
Stable in acidic or weakly basic (pH 8-9) environments.
Tested thermal stability to 450°C in an inert atmosphere.
Treated tubing and fittings in stock for immediate delivery.
Sample, transfer, and analyze sulfur compounds and
other active compounds at parts-per-billion levels.
Items can beworked after treatment—no flaking, chipping, or
Sample sulfur compoundswithout compromising compound stability.
Effectively bake-out contaminants.
Nomemory effects, as seenwithTeflon
-coated parts.
Parts are availablewhen you need them.
treatment provides
the ultimate passivation for
many surfaces, from glass
to high nickel alloys of
it’s a
All treatments are total and
uniform: all pockets, holes,
corners, and channels are
coated evenly.
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: 03 9762 2034 . . . inAUSTRALIA
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