GC/HPLC Accessories Mini Catalog - page 7

True Blue Performance
• Increase accuracy and reproducibility with state-of-the-art deactivation.
• Achieve lower detection limits for a wide range of active compounds.
• Use wool without risking the loss of sensitive analytes.
When faced with complex choices, simple solutions stand out. Sky™ inlet
liners from Restek use a comprehensive, state-of-the-art deactivation and are
the only blue liners on the market—mak-
ing them an easy-to-recognize solution to
common inlet problems.
The innovative deactivation used for Sky™ liners results in exceptional inertness for a wide range
of analyte chemistries. By reducing active sites and enhancing analyte transfer to the column, these
liners increase accuracy and precision, allowing lower detection limits for many active com-
pounds. In addition to improved data quality, you’ll benefit from fewer liner changes and less downtime for maintenance.
Selecting the right liner for your application can be a daunting task. Sky™ inlet liners make the choice simple; the comprehensive
deactivation, distinctive color, and availability in popular configurations mean Sky™ liners are the best choice for optimizing chro-
matographic performance. Regardless of your application, Sky™ liners provide reliable inertness and assured performance, day-after-
day and analysis-after-analysis.
New Sky™ liners give
you the inertness you
need for more accurate
trace level results.
The Story Behind Sky™
For over 25 years, Restek’s vision has been to be the company chromatographers trust. This philosophy is the cornerstone
of our business, and it’s the reason our chemists and engineers are dedicated to developing innovative, best-in-class
products like Sky™ liners. As chromatographers, we understand your needs and strive to develop and deliver products
that make your life easier.
With Sky™ liners our goal was to create a state-of-the-art deactivation that provides superior performance, but why did
we make them blue? Restek has always been associated with the color blue; to us, it signifies strength, innovation, and
excellence. We made SKY™ liners blue because it represents the technological advancements and unmatched quality that
define Restek products. Choose blue—the best choice for dependable results.
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Mar 2011
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