FlowControlProducts 014 - page 16-17

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7.0Datacollectionon thePC
WARNING: ONLYconnectUSBcable toUSBport
whileunit isOFF.
TheProFLOW6000provides youwith adata streamof real time
flow values via theUSBport (Figure 1, p. 3). Inorder touse this fea-
ture, youmust first install the appropriateFTDIVirtual ComPort
(VCP)Driver available at:
TheVCPdriverwill cause theProFLOW to appear as a standard
RS-232port.Thiswill workon anyoperating system forwhich
there is anFTDIVCPdriver.After installing thedriver, connecting
thedevice, anddeterminingwhichport it creates, you can access the
data stream through anyprogrammaticalmeans, or byusing any
serial terminal software.
Todeterminewhichport theProFLOW is using, go to theControl
Panel andopenSystem.Go to theHardware tab and click theDevice
Manager button. Expand thePorts (COM&LPT) entry. Make sure
theVCPdriver is installed, then connect apoweredProFLOW6000
to theUSBport.Youwill see thenewCOMport appear.Open your
serial terminal.
See Section8.3:USBActivation (p.10).
Screen captureof data collection.
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