Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 94

Rxi® Columns Overview
Highest Inertness
Exceptional Reproducibility
High inertness
• Symmetricpeaks
• Strong response
• Accurate, low-level detection
Poor inertness
• Reduced sensitivity
• Misidentification
• Incorrect results
Ascolumnactivity increases, signal decreasesand retention
time shifts.
Rxi® columns delivermore accurate, reliable trace-level results than any other fused sili-
ca column on themarket. To ensure the highest level of performance, all Rxi® capillary
columns are manufactured and individually tested to meet stringent requirements for
exceptional inertness, lowbleed, andunsurpassed column-to-column reproducibility.
Highest Inertness
Inertness is one of themost difficult attributes to achieve in an analytical column, but it
is oneof themost critical as it improves peak shape, response, and retention time stabil-
ity.Rxi® technologyproduces themost inert columns available, providing:
• Increased signal-to-noise ratios to improve low-level detection.
• Reproducible retention times for positive identifications.
• Improved response for polar, acidic, andbasic compounds.
IncreasedSignal andReproducibleRetentionTimes
When capillaries are not sufficiently deactivated, peaks become asymmetric, resulting in
reduced signal andunpredictable retention times.As columnactivity increases,peak tail-
ingbecomesmorepronounced, reducingpeakheight and causing retention time todrift
(Figure1). Inpractice, thismeans that sensitivity is lost and trace-level analytes cannotbe
reliably determined. In addition, even compounds at higher concentrations may be
misidentified, due to retention time shifting.
Amore significant problem for sample analysis is that retention time can varywith ana-
lyte concentration if the column isnot highly inert. Since the amount of target analyte in
samples is unknown, retention times on a poorly deactivated column can easily vary
enough tomove compounds outside of the retention timewindow (Figure 2). This can
result in inaccurate identifications and the need for manual integration and additional
review or analysis before results can be reported.Using inert Rxi® columns ensures that
compounds elutewithgood signal-to-noise ratios at expected retention times, regardless
of analyte concentration.
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