Chromatography Columns 2013+ - page 378

In either fused silica or stainless steel format, Restek columns
offer excellent inertness, consistent column-to-column
performance and, when installed and operated according to
recommendations, long column lifetimes.
Fused silica Rxi®, Rtx®, or Rt™ columns are your best choice
for most applications. They offer the highest coating
efficiencies, ensuring the best resolution of closely eluting
compounds. Also, many Restek fused silica columns can be orderedwith an
Rxi® columns, in particular, provide unmatched performance and exceptionally reliable column-
to-column consistency. In developing these columns, we focused on achieving unsurpassed
inertness, and the lowest bleed and the highest reproducibility possible. To achieve these goals,
we hired theworld’s best polymer chemists and built a new state-of-the-art research facility. We
established rigorous controls on tubing dimensions and surface activity, andwe treat this highly
uniform tubingwith a unique deactivation chemistry, producing a consistent, inert surface on
which to apply a polymer. We reformulated our polymers, ensuring neutrality and fine tuning
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