ESSENTIAL LIFE LC Columns - page 157

SeriesGlass Columns
Introduction and IntendedUse
Liquid preparative chromatography is awidely used downstream purification technique that can be used on awide range of
compounds. The common targetedmolecules includes include proteins, peptides and/or nucleic acids. With the emergence
of smaller particle, higher performance chromatographymedia, there has been identifiedaneed for higher pressure column
hardware that can handle the increased back pressure loading in a safe column configuration. Traditionally, this has been
addressedwith stainless steel hardware, which does not allow the scientist visibility of the column contents.
Essential Life Solutions designed a “Next Generation” column line to address these evolving demands. Drawing on itsmany
years of experience, Essential Life is pleased to announce the most effective and user friendly preparative column on the
columns have been designed to exceed what is currently available to the scientist for laboratory use. Essential Life
understands the value that the scientist places on his or her results, andwe have strived to help them achieve those goals.
Careful choice inmaterials of construction, combinedwith customer feedback, has driven the design so that biocompatibility
can be achieved in virtually any circumstance. Essential Life proudly offers this new SNAP
column hardware line and appre-
ciates your interest.We at Essential Life Solutions value your business.
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