MedicalMarijuana-RestekArchive-July2014 - page 26

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1st Annual Medical Cannabis Summit at Pittcon 2014
Tuesday, March 11th, 2014 by
Amanda Rigdon
Happy post-Pittcon, everyone! It was a very productive week, and as always, I had a wonderful time. This year was special for
me in that amid the talks, posters, and general bustle of the show, I had the pleasant opportunity to finally meet some folks
from the medical cannabis industry face-to-face. Even though Restek has been supporting this industry for years now, I
haven’t had much chance to meet anyone from that field in person.
I met with five self-professed nerds: Ken Snoke and Wes Burk from Emerald Scientific, and William and Christi Schroeder and
Theo Flood from CAL Green Solutions. We were joined by Dr. Frank Dorman from The Pennsylvania State University, whose
group has done a lot of interesting and timely research in the field of medical cannabis. While the term ‘summit’ may be a little
over-dramatic, we did have a great networking session discussing the industry in general and geeking out over additional
research possibilities.
I was excited to see the amount of drive, professionalism, and academic interest represented during our meetings. It’s been a
real pleasure watching medical cannabis testing grow from a grass-roots movement to the full-blown industry it is today, and it
was gratifying to meet members of that industry dedicated to research and scientific validity. I’m hoping we’ll have a much
larger group for our Pittcon 2015 picture.
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